Field of Dreams
God calls those things which do not yet exist, as though they did.
How to SEE your situation from God’s perspective in your imaginations; BELIEVE for His will to be done; get your FEELINGS lined up with it; SPEAK with bold declarations as you HEAR it over and over and then ACT on it by standing on God’s Word to experience His successful results.
When you want to upgrade your life, or things aren’t the way they should be, God has provided a
way into His purposed outcome. Enter into the unseen energy field of the Kingdom of God
where you have unlimited potential to dream because of your covenant. Your life is not shaped
by circumstances or external forces, but internally by how you respond to them. You create the
energy field for them to manifest in, by how you think in alignment with God’s Will. Believe the
impossible is possible so that the incredible can come true. It’s time, heir of God, to co-create
with the Trinity and leave your current story behind for an upgraded re-patterned life.